Blood Brothers Musical Lyrics

Marilyn Monroe (2)

Please find the lyrics to 'Marilyn Monroe (2)' below.

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Marilyn Monroe (2) Lyrics

    Mrs Johnstone
    The house we got was lovely,
    The neighbours are a treat,
    They sometimes fight on Saturday night,
    But never in the week

    What time do you call this then.
    Time I got shot of you, rat bag! "ow!"

    Mrs Johnstone
    Since I pay me bills on time,
    The milkman insists I call him joe.

    Call me Joe

    Mrs Johnstone
    He brings me bread and eggs
    Says i've got legs
    Like Marilyn Monroe
    Sometimes he takes me dancing
    Even takes me dancing
    I know our sammy burnt the school down
    But it's very easily done.
    If the teacher lets the silly gets
    Play with magnesium.
    Thank god he only got probation
    The judge was old and slow
    Though it was kind of him,
    Said I reminded him of Marilyn Monroe

    And could I take you dancing?
    I'd love to take you dancing young lady

    Mrs Johnstone
    Our Mickey's just turned fourteen
    Ya know he's at that age
    When you mention girls, or courting,
    He flies into a rage

    Shut up talking about me, mother.

    Mrs Johnstone
    He's got a thing for taking blackheads out,
    And he thinks that I don't know,
    That he dreams all night of girls who look like Marilyn Monroe
    He's even started dancing, secret dancing
    And as for the rest, they've flown the nest
    Got married or moved away
    Our Donna Marie's already got three

    Donna Marie
    Hello Mam.

    Mrs Johnstone
    She' a bit like me.
    And that other child of mine,
    I haven't seen for years, although
    Each day I pray he'll be ok,
    Unlike poor Marilyn Monroe